ABC radio had run several programs about mental health issues recently.
Worried Children - how anxious should we be?
This program was aired on "All in the Mind" on ABC Radio National on 14 August 2004.
When should you be anxious about an anxious child? Child anxiety can mean not wanting to leave mum or dad's side, complaints of tummy aches, and fears about trying new challenges, going to school, and meeting other kids. The link between child anxiety and depression later in life is becoming much clearer. This week, All in the Mind looks at innovative efforts to target parents with anxious children in regional New South Wales, who are starved for support services. The idea is to get in early, before anxiety becomes a disabling life pattern into adulthood.
Bipolar Disorder
The Health Report aired this story on 9 August 2004.
ABC sports broadcaster Craig Hamilton talks about his own personal experiences with bipolar disorder. And Australian researchers recently published the results of a study looking at the prevalence and disability of bipolar disorder in Australia. Professor Philip Mitchell from the School of Psychiatry at the University of New South Wales talks about the findings of this investigation.
In additon, All in the Mind is airing a story on bipolar disorder on 21 August. The transcript of this story will be added once it is available (approximately 26 August)