30 September 2005

Suicide Intervention Officer
South Metropolitan Area Health Service,Department of Health
Level 6, $57,642 - $62,816, HSU
WORK TYPE: Permanent - Full Time
LOCATION: Armadale Health Service
JOB DESCRIPTION: Responsible for the assessment and short-term case management of clients within Armadale Mental Health Service catchment area who present with suicidal and/or self harm behaviours and who meet relevant admission criteria. Responsible for facilitating contact with appropriate community support agencies.
SIEC Alert #59, September 2005
They Might Be Grieving Too: Commonalities of Suicide Grief Experience .
Many lives are touched in profound ways by a suicide death. For every suicide that takes place, there are several family members and friends who are intimately and severely affected. In addition, the mental health professionals who had been treating the deceased also suffer in the wake of the suicide. This edition of SIEC Alert explores this common ground. read more...
New program sees drop in suicide rates
This is a transcript from PM.
PM - Friday, 23 September , 2005 18:42:00
A community in Tasmania believes it’s shown that it is possible to turn the tide against suicide in Australian country areas. The town of Kentish is fighting back against an alarmingly high rate of suicide, and winning. The key has been a massive effort to train ordinary members of the community to identify those at risk and have the courage to approach them about this most sensitive of topics.
The program is broadcast around Australia at 5:10pm on Radio National and 6:10pm on ABC Local Radio. You can also listen to the story in REAL AUDIO and WINDOWS MEDIA and MP3 formats.

28 September 2005

National Suicide Prevention Strategy Evaluation

The National Suicide Prevention Strategy is currently being evaluated by Urbis Keys Young on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. Information about the Evaluation, including how to contribute, is now available from the LIFE: National suicide prevention website at: http://www.livingisforeveryone.com.au/about_nsps.php#info